Posting this image is the closest I've come to actually playing a game of Titan

Everyone’s favorite monster brawler, Titan HD, gets update

iPad, Android Tablet •

A long time ago at a mobile gaming website far, far away, Kelsey told me that he’d teach me Titan some day. Much like his insistence that he’ll someday empty the Stately Manor dishwasher, I’m guessing this was a lie. It’s okay. He’s busy trying to stay sane and/or within our dimension, and I’d rather read those exploits than have clean dishes, anyway.

Still Titan remains a favorite of many of you, so I will have to sit and learn it (by myself, apparently) at some point. Lucky for me, the developer is still behind this gem 100% and today released another major update.

Why, you might ask, are we highlighting an update that doesn’t add new content or significantly shake things up? Because, Titan HD was released back in 2011 and the fact that it’s still getting updated is something to celebrate. If developer, Kristopher Giesing, has his way, we’ll be playing Titan for a long time to come.

This update deals with multiplayer issues and more. I could paraphrase the changes, but now I’m just wasting everyone’s time.

Players can now search by nickname to mark as favorite
Invites from ignored players are now automatically declined
Game actions are now suspended while entering text, to improve stability
Game server connections should now be more stable
Unread chat from closed/removed games no longer counts as a pending action
Fixed errors resulting from receipt of chat in closed/removed games
Fixed issue with game log display when the previous turn ended with a Titan elimination
Fixed visual issue with moves returning Legions to their origin on a roll of 6
General stability improvements

If you don’t have Titan already, you can pick it up at the links below. If you already have Titan, can you tell me what the hell I’m doing? Just kidding. I actually like holding my lack of Titan knowledge over Kelsey’s head.

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Notable Replies

  1. Posting here just in case the developer ever takes a peek. Any chance we will ever get a phone version? I get why the app was iPad-only years ago when it was released, but has the mobile landscape changed enough over the years that a universal app would be possible?

  2. @Neumannium I am always looking for a match, and I’m not very good at the game. So if you would really like to learn the game, by having some MP matches, just give me hint.

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