When people ask about my job and I mention Stately Play, I can always guess their follow-up question. “Do you make any money doing that?” No one asks if writing here makes me feel good or gives me a sense of purpose or even what I’m writing about, it’s always about the money. When I tell them that, no, it doesn’t really make any money, I usually get a “good luck!” and then they walk away to talk to the more “successful” people.. The sickening takeaway: to be successful, someone/something has to make money and lots of it. Well, from that vantage point, Stately Play is a towering failure. Of course, I heartily disagree.
What the hell am I rambling on about? I got a job that pays real money and it ain’t writing about games on the internet.
So, first, the good news. I got a job! A good job doing what I used to do before I put all my eggs in the unusually fragile Slitherine basket. That is, I’ll be working as an electrical engineer doing Programmable Logic Design and making things that keep people soaring above the earth at 35,000 feet. Take a look into the cockpit when you board your next aircraft. See all those screens the pilots use to tell them which way is up? There’s a good chance some of my code is in there, making sure you don’t crash into a mountain. Scary, right? Well, I’m back doing that and I’m certain aircraft passenger numbers will tumble when word gets out.
So, all the bitching and moaning I’ve been doing here and on Twitter about being broke shouldn’t really be an issue going forward. We’re not rich, but we should have enough to keep the kids in pants and shoes free of holes. Hooray!
The second point revolves around the future of Stately Play now that I’m not spending all day thinking of ways to procrastinate writing stories for it. Don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere. This ties back into that whole “failure” thing I opened with. While Stately Play isn’t the next Kotaku, I’m damn proud of what we’ve built here. I love our community, our forums, our tournaments, and friendly games. I love the discussion and all the online friends I’ve made over the last couple years here. When writing at PT I often felt as not much more than a poor substitute for Owen and failed to enjoy the community. Not that I didn’t love PT, but I rarely contributed to the forums over there and kept mainly to myself. Stately Play is my home, and I’m not going anywhere.
That said, will the content continue to flow? Well, that’s the plan. I did write for both BGG and PT back while working full time before and I hope to continue that trend going forward. Of course, who knows what the future brings and I might find that juggling everything is a bit too much. Even if that’s the case, we’ll still be posting albeit not as much. Let’s hope that’s not the case, but we’ll have to wait and see.
So, bottom line, we’re not going away, but the number of posts might not be of the amount you (or we) are hoping for. Not much I can do about that, but I think the Stately Play crowd (and the PT crowd before it) value quality over quantity any day.
So, this week is going to be on the slow side. I’m still getting my bearings and doing too much outside of work and kids might be too big a hurdle to clear. You never know, but I wanted to warn you. In the future, however, we’ll be going strong. Also, we’re hoping that you guys keep things alive, as you always have, by keeping our forums one of the best and most civil places for game (and book, and movie, and music…) discussion on the internet.
Thank you everyone, and we’ll keep on posting!
Congrats, Dave!!!
I know it’s been tough for you, and I’m so happy that you have found something that will hopefully take away some of those worries.
We’ll all be here and you have a host of great contributors that will hopefully be able to keep the site going as it has been.
But personal life always comes first, especially when you’re doing something for free on the Internet. That’s one thing I’ve definitely learned during my blogging life.
Sigh. I guess I’ll never get my “Staliest Wallpapers of Fortnite” post now.
Good luck, Dave!
Glad you’re not leaving us, since…
But seriously, good luck on the gig and we’ll keep the fires lit when you can’t.
edited for disclaimer: I am not Isla Fisher, nor do I remotely resemble anything approximating an attractive redhead.
I know saying things used to be better in the old days has been a pastime for basically as long as talking has been around, but I honestly do think that judging everything/everyone by how much money it/they make(s) has become much more pervasive over the course of my own life. I have a word for that, but I’ll save it for our probably thankfully non-existent politics forum. Hope you’re happy(ish) at the new job; I just booked a flight.
A good paid job is not the worst thing on earth. Hope you like it.#
Good luck for you and thanks for your inspirational writing until now.
And congrats from this quarters as well. I am probably one of the silent herd browsing the site twenty times a week.
Glad you got the job. Family has to come before personal aspirations sometimes, and good on you for realizing it. Not many do. Congrats!
Noooooo thank you. Doing that with my beard, which is straight out of the ISIS handbook, is grounds for immediate violent execution.
grats on the job
Thanks for creating this website and community while you had the free time to do it. I expect we will all still be here when you are working (and cheering you on). Congratulations.
Good for you … and good for us too.
What you can when you can has always been great … no need to change now.
Most of all …

Our great helmsman.
I do give great helmet.
Gratz on the job, the very best of luck with it!
We’ll take quality over quantity any day and it is the quality of what you do that has built your great community at Stately Play.
Thanks for everything you do over here, we do appreciate it!
Congratulations on the job! Balance is hard, best wishes.
Congrats on the job!
Great news, Dave! Thanks for letting us know and for keeping this place going, as always.
Also, completely unrelated, I am now taking trains and buses everywhere. Completely unrelated.
In an odd coincidence, I’m about to start flying again for work. A lot. And I haven’t been on a plane since maybe 2013.
So, Dave … you’re really good at that code stuff, right?
As a Captain, I block that. Coup game reference? Jokes aside, I wish you great success @Neumannium and glad to see you are still posting the best writing on the internet. Please keep the airplanes from crashing, too!
I’m thankful for what you and the rest of the PT team have so far for our small group. The writing is good and honest, the forums are better than PT’s for me.
Although I loved PT back in the days, looking back to it now, I think it was a bit too Owen focused for my taste. It had that military aspect about it, which I do not really miss today. Owen had (/still has?) a gift attracting people to his person and to his site, me included. Good money wise for him probably, but it was not always good for the site I believe.
I hope you are not angry I stopped the Patron donation?! It’s for the reasons I tried to explain in the PM, but as you did not reply, so I’m not sure. Anyway I’ll keep supporting this site emotionally and maybe again financially in the future. Keep up the good work, don’t get frustrated… we are proud of you…
p.s. I can tell my boy now that a friend of mine has programmed the next plane we will ride (Crete in 10 days…yeay). Maybe he’ll get excited to do something similar in the future. If he has further questions, I’ll send him to you over the holidays.
Never, nope, not at all. I am thankful (and shocked) that there are people willing to give up their hard earned cash for SP each month but will never judge or care if a reader doesn’t, regardless of reason.
Sorry I didn’t respond to your message. I think you sent it when I was in Europe and I meant to reply and then it just got lost in the shuffle. No worries at all!