Talisman prepares to enter the Firelands

February 2, 2017 David Neumann 1

iOS Universal, Android, PC/Mac • If it seems like it’s only been a few weeks since Nomad Games updated their venerable flagship, Talisman, I can’t blame you. It’s actually been over a month, but the Talisman expansions are so numerous at this point it feels like there’s a new one each time you load up the app. Today is like that, except when I loaded it up there really was a new expansion waiting for me, The Firelands. It’s probably waiting for you, too. Go check, we’ll wait.

Happy Holidays: Talisman

December 26, 2016 David Neumann 10

It’s about time I come clean with all of you with why I enjoy writing about games so much. Sure, the money and fame are great, but what really gets me going is being able to boss around a bunch of writers and then not pay them. Yeah, it’s as great as it sounds. The other nice thing is getting to know people in the biz. Devs are pretty great, and when I put out a call for Christmas help this year, a bunch were happy to comply. Today’s generous donor of codes is Nomad Games of Talisman fame.

Two new characters enter the fray of Talisman: Digital Edition

December 14, 2016 David Neumann 0

Talisman may lack deep strategic or tactical gameplay but it more than makes up for it with the fun of exploration and so much damn content. Seriously, it’s gotten to the point that I can’t keep track of all the expansions for this beast. Dungeons, Cities, something called the Highlands? That’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s all good as every new expansion adds more unknown to each game until you never know what you’ll draw. That’s when the game gets really fun. Today, Nomad updated Talisman yet again with more content, two new characters to play with: Martial Artist and Saracen.

Talisman: The Horus Heresy Goes Free All Weekend

November 3, 2016 David Neumann 1

If you’re like me, you have no friends and weekends are simply long stretches of not seeing other humans and, instead, binge-watching old Cheers episodes while binge-eating custard and sipping Boone’s Farm. Please don’t tell me that it’s only me doing that. I said please. Luckily, this weekend I can turn off the tube and, instead, play a little Talisman: Horus Heresy on my Mac because it’s gone free all weekend long.

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