iOS, Android, PC/Mac •
Earlier this year, 2016’s best mobile title made its way to our desktops and laptops when Pathfinder Adventures was launched on Steam. While more platforms isn’t a terrible thing, most of us were far more interested in what was going on content-wise with Pathfinder, which hadn’t seen any major content additions since the Rise of the Runelords campaign came to an end last year. We had heard, from Pathfinder’s new publisher, Asmodee, that more content was coming, but what and when was in left up in the air. That all changed this morning.
We should expect new content for Pathfinder to land on the App Store next week. The content is called The Rise of the Goblins, and will take the events from Rise of the Runelords, but put you in the bad guys’ shoes. That’s right, you get to play as goblins, and characters who were bosses and henchmen before are now allies.

I was reading a bit about the announcement over at Obsidian’s site and something struck me. See if you can spot it.
The first adventure deck for Rise of the Goblins contains five scenarios that starts in Sandpoint and because of the actions of the goblins it sets off the events that lead into the RotR’s Attack on Sandpoint.
The first adventure deck? They don’t specifically mention more Goblin-themed adventure decks being released, but this sure makes it sound like we can expect more in the future, perhaps paralleling the entire human campaign that existed in Rise of the Runelords? Hmm.
Because you’re basically playing an evil party of Goblins, you won’t be able to play the new content with the characters you’ve come to know and love. Instead, we’re getting 2 new goblin characters and they have reimagined the iconic Pathfinder characters as goblins, with new abilities, so you can build an entire goblin party.

As an added bonus, you’ll be able to bring these goblin characters on regular runs through Rise of the Runelords, if you wish.
Obsidian is also introducing new “Goblin Dice”, which look rather primitive and look different from the other dice we’ve been finding in chests for the past 7-8 months or so.
The Obsidian update also includes mention of what’s next, and they’re focusing on character specific adventure decks. These will be decks of five scenarios that tell each character’s backstory. Sadly, they don’t mention Skull & Shackles or Wrath of the Righteous, so we still don’t know if we’re getting another full-length adventure path.
You can download the mobile version of Pathfinder Adventures for free, and the PC/Mac version is $25. The PC/Mac version includes the Rise of the Runelords campaign, and content between the two platforms should transfer, meaning that if you buy Rise of the Goblins for $9 when it launches, it will be available on both your PC and mobile device.
- Pathfinder Adventures for iOS Universal, free
- Pathfinder Adventures for Android, free
- Pathfinder Adventures for PC/Mac via Steam, $25
I really do like this game quite a lot.
But why am I very cynical about all the things released for the game? This particular release does sound like it is giving us some good new content (though we will see how much is just a re-skin), but I always feel like they are giving us not what we want, but what they think they can milk our money with.
This to the nth degree.
Right on schedule…
According to TouchArcade, this finally updated. I’m unable to update this week, but I’d love to hear impressions. According to TA, you can buy the expansion for gold, which is great because I’ve been stockpiling for future expansions.
What do you guys think spices up the game best - new characters or new scenarios?
I ask mainly with the cardboard version in mind. I own everything for the RotR adventure and I own the base set for Skull & Shackles and Wrath of the Righteous. I could buy the remaining packs for the latter, or I could buy 5 class decks for the same price. Class decks give you three characters for the same class.
This is more of a hypothetical or personal preference question, but if you could (in app or on the table) have a brand new adventure or over a dozen new characters to play the old adventure with, what would you choose?
I don’t even know if I can answer my own question because I am very much in the fence. I may be leaning towards characters since that is ultimately what I like most about RPGs, but so far it is a coin flip.
I would probably buy more adventure decks, as I find the different characters to not be that different. They’re not bad, but I’d rather have another full adventure path to go through.
A while ago I beat the game on all three difficulties with a party of Lini, Sajan, Seoni, and Valeros.
I need party comp advice. I am starting up a new party and I can’t even figure out how many members I want let alone who to use. I think the goblins are out for now. I’ve never used Lem, even when playing at the table, so I think I want him. I know Val is a typical partner, but I’ve used Val quite a bit and I’m thinking of pairing him off with Seelah. I am thinking of going Lem, Lini, Sajan, Seelah. Any thoughts?
This blows my mind. I have yet to complete the damn sixth adventure deck with my party and can’t imagine doing it on the harder difficulties. Of course, my party is six chars. I can’t resist adding more and more when I build my parties.
Lini, Sajan, and Seoni were the standouts. Later in the adventure, Lini would never miss a roll and was a master of closing most locations and both Sajan and Seoni were offensive powerhouses with near limitless attacks in their arsenal. I’ve never seen rolls as high as I got with my endgame Sajan.
And this probably has no bearing on the game whatsoever, but with that run through all three difficulties, I didn’t use treasure cards, just those found in the actual physical box.
Oh, and as for difficulty, it was mitigated a bit when I had cards from decks 5-6 in my deck and went back into the early adventures at higher difficulties. Really, after beating it on normal the toughest part of doing it again at higher difficulties was usually just the last adventure deck.
The game just updated on two fronts:
First, much of what is in the store seems to be significantly cheaper.
Second, there is a new “side quest” that includes one new character and some new locations/scenarios/etc. I’m always up for new characters, so I’m rather happy with that.
I’m actually writing a post about it now.